Our speaker will be Kathy Courtright Rondini, Vice President of Orchard Nursery, who will speak on Spring Blooming Bulbs
We will also have a short horticultural talk on Pelargoniums and Geraniums by our own Wendi Shively
Where? Lafayette Veteran's Memorial Building, 3780 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Lafayette, CA Time? 9:30 am for refreshments, 10;00 am for the general meeting
Guests are welcome; no admission fee
Visit our booth at the Lafayette Art & Wine Festival on Saturday & Sunday, September 21 & 22, to purchase one (or more!) of a great selection of member plants for your house and garden. Proceeds will go to the Lafayette Park Theater Trust Fund
Members: Email Julie Carlson with the names and number of your cuttings and divisions by September 5 so that uniform labels can be prepared. Plants should be in 4" pots. If each member provides at least 3-5 offerings, we'll have plenty! Stay tuned for instructions on where to drop off plants in advance of the sale.